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... Not Just L.A., The City of Angels Is Everywhere...

I was age five when the bishop stood over me and said, "Stop babbling about what the priest did to you." Then, forty years later... I started babbling.
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Friday, April 23, 2010

He Breaks Confidentiality Agreement of 17 Years, and Story of His Perp Priest Goes All Over the Globe

First, here is the OTHER picture of Mario Pezzotti in Brazil where he was sent after several credible accusations for pedophilia in Massachusetts got him sent out of the USA:

Within days the Associated Press was breaking the story he’d kept secret from almost everyone in his life, Joe knew. In a 1993 legal settlement, he thought the Xaverian Missionary Fathers agreed to keep the serial rapist Mario Pezzotti away from children, so Joe agreed to maintain confidentiality about the crimes he endured, as we described in Part One.

Then he saw pictures of his perpetrator, Fr. Mario Pezzotti, in Brazil surrounded by near-naked native children, and Joe went public with his story.

“I just told my siblings in the last two weeks," he told City of Angels. "My brother took it pretty well, I know my sister was alright with it, she was glad I did."

The AP story broke: AP IMPACT: Predator priests shuffled around globe

And within days a CBS News Crew was in Joe Callander’s rural Vermont home recording his story. Then Joe came to Boston to take part in a press conference and ceremonially mail this letter to the Vatican you can read here: To Cardinal Levada, Vatican, From Joe Callander, Survivor, Re Mario Pezzotti, Pedophile Priest, and Church Complicity Mailed from Boston USA April 16, 2010.

At Left, Bill Nash, Massachusetts Activist for Justice in Pedophile Priest Epidemic.

Real hero here is Bill Nash, who found the photos online, in 25-pages newsletters in Italian he purviews now and then, online, to keep track of the movements of his own perpetrator, Xaverian Fr. James Tully. Nash got the original information to the AP, and ran the press events Joe Callander came to from Vermont.

“I’d never done anything like that in my life," Joe said, "I purposely avoid having anything to do with a lot of people. We just live pretty private, put it that way. And then this came out and it’s surprising.”

Here is a sampling of coverage that resulted:

Ordem religiosa defende atuação no Brasil de padre acusado de ...‎ - O Globo
Igreja transfere padres acusados de abusos para o Brasil‎ - Diário de Notícias - Lisb
Vaticano transfere padres pedófilos de país para país‎ - TVI24
Pedofilia: accuse a prete di Marone‎ - Qui Brescia
Pedofilia. Prometeo: A Parma prete che abusò di americano‎ - Diregiovani


天主教會30次外調性侵案神父‎香港新浪網 -美聯社取得50年前曾在麻省強姦男童卡蘭德(Joe Callander)的神父佩佐蒂(Mario Pezzotti)攝於巴西的近照,他笑容滿臉抱着一名幾乎赤裸的亞馬遜小童*****

How Joe Callander's neighbors reacted says a lot about rural Vermont life:

"This came out and it’s surprising," Joe said, "not one person in the town of Windsor has said a thing about it."

Joe said, "I thought priests were greatest thing on earth, I wanted to be a priest when I came to that school. Then I saw two priests abusing confessional. I still don't sleep well at night."

Joe Callander is glad he broke his Confidentiality Agreement with the Xaverian Missionary Fathers and the Catholic Church.

"I really wish they would try to sue me for breaking the confidentiality agreement now," he laughed, "if they did, I'd make a big stink out of that, I’d have them by their short hairs."

By Kay Ebeling, Producer, The City of Angels Is Everywhere

See Coverage of Callander's Press Statement last week On YouTube Here

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