(We continue to release documents from Servants of the Paraclete as part of PippiLeaks at City of Angels Blog.)
This set of documents, which we are calling “Novitiate Notes,” appear to be summaries of daily activities at Servants of the Paracletes, typed up by an ambitious and obliging Novitiate who had no idea of how valuable these notes would be in the future:

From Novitiate Notes June 1956:
Fr. Bill Tobin came to get car for trip to Camp in Arizona where Fr. Joe McNamara is staying in a tent.“Arrived at Via Coeli, telephoned Santiago Campos to withdraw Court Case… and was accepted and put in Novitiate with Fr. Woebber. Met Fr. Joseph, Fr. George, Fr. Paul, Fr James, Fr. Sam. Fr. William(?) McCarthy.
Listened and enjoyed meditations, night prayers, Fr. Agnellis and his new teeth, a Franciscan from Me. (Maine?)

At the swimming pool met Fr. Jim Mullviny, who worked with Spanish Americans in Arizona and saw their lack of attention to the Church. The swimming was delicious after the [ILLEGIBLE] on the jaw and the hounding experience in Anton Chico.
"The Novice master advised Father to recite the Mass prayers in a lower voice.... Meanwhile the cement mixer arrived from Albuquerque.
"Children picked cherries, red ripe cherries."
"At the Voluntas Dei I met Fr. Doodie who was from Pittsburgh, Bishop Carroll, Sacred Heart Cathedral. Fr. Chris was an Alexian Brother.
(At end of paragraph that starts “Took a walk to see…”
“Fr. Bill said Fr. Joe McNamara is living in a tent at a Boy Scout Camp."
Then from page 2 of June 25, 1956 (I think this is the continuation, it is same typewriter and style)
"Fr. Followed a priest pastor who did not pay much attention to doctrines of The Faith. Father hopes that he did do good work before enemies hit him. Fr. Hopes that the enemies themselves will be punished and converted. Father plans in the future to return, but with more caution, wo they're and when he goes…
“Why the difference? He’s an American. He’s holy and generous. He’s fearful. I am an American, holy and generous. what's the difference? Possibly, I fear the laws, he fears opinions. Possibly he makes no exceptions. I might.”
From June 30, 1956:

“Fr. Wilfred helps the [names family] dig the ditch for the sewer. Father enjoyed talking to Jim Woods and met his boy…. Father Gerald mentioned forming a Foreign Legion of ’re-conditioned padres. ’ ” Signed July 1, 1956, Precious Blood
“Fr. Joe Courtney’s uncle died and Fr. John and [LOOKS LIKE] Fr. George Pa- [ILLEGIBLE] took him and Fr. Tom Holland to the airport or somewhere….
“Fr. Grego has gone to the Monterrey-Fresno Diocese.
Fr. Tony Liscot dided[?] Christmas time up in Minnesota. Fried of Fr. Pansch
“81 parishes in Santa Fe Arch. 20 in Gallup"
“At a Coeli econome visit met Fr. Charles McAniff, Pal Gallagher, Fr. Dennis, Fr. Tony, Bro Alerio, Fr. Bill Bresher."
PAGE 2 of June 30, 1956, novitiate notes

“Weakness of sup. Tells bunch of men to do a job and does not put one man in charge, make one man responsible. A job like cleaning the room downstairs, five men show up. What is clean for one man is not clean for the rest. So one man should have been responsible…
“Surprise for July 4th. New Novice Masters: Patrick J. (T?) Helligan of Rome, Fr. Agnellus.
For the project came:
Fr. Tom Ryan, Fr. Frank… the Singer…
Fr. Pat Wa
Fr. Clarence Kimmens is at Regina Mundi
Fr. Guy is superior at Regina Mundi

Most valuable about Noviate Notes is the mention of different Servants of the Paraclete priests by name:
List of names 1 (112)
Fr. Burque
Fr. Tom Piley
Fr. Tom Ryan
Fr. Gousse
Fr. Goltz
Fr. William
List of names 2(113)

F. Louis Moskal
Fr. Timothy Reiley
Fr. Walter Murphy
Fr. Francis Sharpe
Fr. John Lyons
Fr. Anthony Pietruzussa
PippiLeaks is Papal Insider Pedophile Priest Information Leaks, using City of Angels Blog to release information about sex crimes against children committed by Catholic priests and bishops, information you will not likely see in mainstream news media.BONUS PIPPILEAK:
"Fr. Followed a priest pastor who did not pay much attention to doctrines of the Faith…. Father hopes that he did do good work before enemies hit him. Father hopes that the enemies themselves will be punished and converted. Father plans in the future to return… but with more caution, to where and when he goes… Why the difference? He’s an American,… Be holy and generous. Be fearful. I am an American, holy and generous. That's the difference. Possibly. I fear the laws. He fears opinions. Possibly. He makes no exceptions. I might."
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