Bishops had "a formal, top-secret plan, to be called 'The Project' to minimize financial loss. It would be funded by the NCCB and composed of various crisis management teams. All fees would be paid by a trial lawyer to prevent victims' attorneys from obtaining hard level evidence that the Project existed."
We need to go back through our own history to figure out what really happened in the pedophile priest discovery. Read this article from September 1995 issue of "The Missing Link," quarterly publication of the Link Up survivor organization, remember them? They rose from grass roots, and THRIVED until founder Tom Economus died and all the files disappeared. Note section about The Project...

The underlined stuff here is from when I first read it in 1995.
We will scan the entire collection of Missing Links here st City of Angels 8 in January 2011, as PippiLeaks will continue.
And as for Christmas, soon we will not have to hear Little Drummer Boy again for at least eight months.